Wednesday, July 27, 2011

FW: Delivery Status Notification (Delay)

Kind regards,

Phil Thorn
Don't forget to check out my blog

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Well as promised, I am back again with more updates.

My brother inlaw has been staying with me in the evenings, while my famil
have been on holiday and in the morning before I depart for work as we call
it, he has been reading me a Proverb for the day and I am goung to share
some of them with you, as they are very cool and so true.

"The greatest essentials for life, people need something to do, something to
love and something to hope in"

"To achieve great things, we not only need to act, but also dream, not only
plan, but also believe"

'If you want to cheer yourself up, start by cheering someone else up"

"It not important whether you fail, but how you rise when you do fail"

I believe these Proverbs and I believe it is so important what words we sow
into our lives, words have the power to grow us oe destroy os. I remember as
a kid, we used to say, 'sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can
never hurt me"that is so untrue, bones can be repaired and can be completely
healed. The damage that can be caused by words, can be life long if we allow
it and can hinder us from being the people that God wants us to be. In my
journey, I have had a number of words said to me and at times they have
rattled me a bit and hinded my recovery a littlt and I have learned not to
let aome words take root in my life and I have chiisen to totoally trust
God's promises cotanted in the good book, the Bible and I also believe it is
an attitude of the heart and even if we aren't feeling on top of the world
and life has dished up a bowl of pain and hurts, start sowing some good
words into your life and believe in them and what God can do through them
and see the power lf that acting and believing come alive in your life. I
can guarantee you, it will not be easy and at times you may feel like giving
up, but don't, that is the time to believe even harder and sow even more
good stuff in. In time it will bring a harvest in your life and you will be
in a place where you can help sow into other peoples lives who are

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