Saturday, December 31, 2011

Oh what a future when Simba finally discovered it.

As you will recall when I last finished off about the Lion king story, Simba was lost in no mans land, a broken wreck, paralysed by fear, emotionly drained and allowing a lie to destroy his potential and the future of the Lion kingdom he should have vbeeninspiring and leading. Once Simba learned the truth that his future had been taken from him due to a lie and that he was destined to achieve great things if he only believed and acted on that belief, his whole mind set started to change and he found the inner strength to start to stand tall and step out out in faith to fulfil his destiny because the jnowledge of the truth had set him free from rejection land and self pity land.

There is only one who comes to steal, kill and destroy us if we allow him to, all of his tactics are built on lies and when we discover the truths found in God’s word and believe them, they have the power to set us free. As we plavce our hope and trust in God, He causes us to rise on wings like eagles, to run and not grow weary and to walk and not be faint. Simba armed with the knowledge of the truth and starting to believe it, had a decision to make, either stay in the land of rejection and self pity or step out into the unknown armed with the truth and be the lion he was destined to be, knowing that he would have to face his old vuncle Scar Face, a battle to the death loomed ahead for Simba. As you step out in to the unknown armed with the truth, you to will have to look those lies that have been sow in your life in the face and speak the truth of Gods word into each of them, so as to see them shattered and smashed. We are only victorious as we sare to believe and proclaim and live out the truths contained within Gods word.

More to come in this series, chat again soon.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Celebrating the beginnings of the build with friends, staff and wonderful family (and bubbles!!!) – we are blessed to have such great support.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

14th December 2011 @ 9:42am – The piles for the property are being laid right this minute!

The first lot of soil being turned on our section – it’s all go and very exciting for the family!

9th December 2011

Our empty section prior to work beginning on our new home.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

To be or not to ;, Simba's choice!

I shared with you at length the Lion King story mainly for ? that
hadn't seen the movie & to refresh the memories for the rest of
Well poor Simba sure had a bad run of events crash into his life,
blamed for causing his dad's death & the guilt that comes with
that hanging over his head, emotionally scarred, sent out of his
homeland by a family member, all hope gone supposedly, no idea of
who he was anymore & noone to confide in, in a wasteland
surrounded beyond vultures, remains of other animals! Every thing
looked pretty bleak for poor Simba
Has life dished us up a plate full with sour grapes, are we
str-'ling withthings that have sctred us, damaged us, left us
feeling vunrchablch, lost, alone, our fuuture ripped from under
our feet! If we are honest with ourselves, have we listerned to
the lie that says, this is all your fault, you caused & brought
this on yrself, you better run & hide, you can never be the
person you once dreamed of being, who God designed you to ;! On
the outside things may appear to be OK' but you have been left
feeling vunreable, unloved, future & potential gone & merely
living out an existance.
If and look at poor Simba, he was sold a complete lie at a life
changing point in his life & this so often can happen! When the
chips are down as the saying goes, Old Scar Face doesn't go easy
& lend a shoulder to leen on, no he sticks the knife in harder &
twists it around to bring as much pain as possible. This is
exactly like our advociarysatan, it says in the book of John in
the Bible, "The thiefccsatan comes but to steal, kill & destroy!
` It goes on to say & this is Jesus ws, "I have come to bring
life & bring life to the full"
I have been in this place myself & it is a horrible place to ;! I
have also spent many days & hours dwelling in selfccpity land as
Simba would of as well & it was robbing me of all that I could be
& should ;, trying to hold me captive in a land that I had
already been set free from, but had to discover that for myself.
It was Simba's choice to believe the lie, but through it all he
discovered the real truth & it set him free to be the Lion King
who he was called to be & the same can happen for you! I will
disevelop this more in the next Blog or tow!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

To be or not to be, that,s what counts and the choice is ours. Part 2

There’s a great kid’s movie called; “The lion king”and if I can recap a bit of it for you,It is a story about a pride of lions and Mufasa is the heard of the pride or lion king, he has a son called samba potential heir to the pridw and there is also Scar Face, who is Simba’s uncle.

Well as the story goes, Scar Face is very jealous of Mufasa being the king of the lions and he is not at all keen to see Simba become the heir to the pride.Mufasa is a good and wise leader and is assing on his wisdom to his son. Scar Face has had enough of it all and he wants to be the king of the pride, so he sets up a trap for both Mufasa and Simba, he manabes to convince Simbva to get his dad to walk with him through a deet racine in the pride land saying thatthis would prove how worthy he was of being the heir to the oion kingdom.Simba listerned to Scar Face and then asked his dad to come with him without letting him know why as Scar Face had told him not to tell his dad. Well Aimvba and his dad started making there way through the ravine and Mufasa was not to happu about the idea, but to keep his son happu, he conuinued on, halfway through the ravine they suddenlu heard the the thundering of hoofs in the distance behind them and Mufasa knew at once what the noise was, the sound of bvuffalo on the move and they were heading into the ravine where they were and he knew that they didn’t stand a chance against a huge herd racing through such a small revine as they were in and he said to Simba se need to fun and find a section of rock to climb up onto as we will never make it to the end of the ravine before the herd reachs us,, they found a section of rock and Simba being small and lighter was avble to quickly and easily climb the rock face to a safe place before the herd reached them, Mufasa started climbing and made some ground and reached up to climb the next section just as the herd were almost upon them and as he duvg his claws into the rock face  he started to slip and he looked up and saw Scar Face just above him and he called out for his help, Scar Face smiled at him and geached down and dug his claws deep into Mufasa’s paws and the pain was so great that it made Mufasa loose his grit and he looked up at Scar Face who gave him an evil smile standing beside his son as he fell to his death, trampled by the herd of buffalo.

Scar Face turned to Simba who was in total shock and horroe at what had just happened to his dad and said, Look what you have done, you have caused this to happen, poor Simba, didn’t know what to say, no big dad there to defend him any more, he slupped out, It,s not my fault, Scar Face said, Oh yes it is and wait till all the rest of the pride of lions find out what you have done, your name and life will mean nothing, so you better run and run as far away as you can before they fing out or you will be in big trouble.

Simba was so devistasted by what had happened and he believed the woeds Scar Face had told him and so he ran and he ran until he had no more energy to run any further.When he stopped running he was lost, he had run so far that he was no longer in the pride land and he was now inwaste lands where dear animal carcasses lay every where. He was so tired after all the running that he curled upin the remains of an elephant carcasses and fell into a deep sleep.

When he finally woke up he had horrible scary looking Hyenas licking their chops and staring at him, he didn’t feel big and brave any more and he was thankful for the safety of the elephant vbones he was hiding behind, what would ever become of him, once to be the heir to the lion kingdom, now lost, alone and no future in sightv. Well the story doesn’t end there, the Hyena’s get tired of waiting around for him to come out from behind the bones, that’s after they give it a good try and scare the living day lights out of him. After a few days of being in this horrible place, he makes friends with two very unlikely characters, one is a pig called Pumba and the other is a Meerkat called Temone, they are rather taken with Simba and are very keen to find out what on earth he is doing in a place like this, Simba cannot talk about it for a while and so the two new friends  start playing with him and finally Simba tells them the story.

They tell him that it is not his fault and that Scar Face setup the whole thing and chased the herd of buffalo into the ravine on purpose in the hope of causing the death of both of them, espcially Mufasa so that he could be the king of the lions, Simba couldn’t believe this and it took a  while  for the truth to sink in, Simba was now growing into a very strong and fine looking lion. Simba’s two new friends also told him that the pride lands  were no longer the great place that they used to be when Mufasa was king, Scar Face was a mean and feared leader, happiness had gone from the pride and the  pride hoped that Simba would return one day and bring back to the pride the greatness that Mufasa inspired within each of them. This again took a while to sink into Simba’s heart and little by little the two most nlikely of characters inspired within him the will and dedire to return to the pride and face has old uncle Scar Face and take his reghtjul place as heir to his father, the lion king, Simba had to dig deep and ge remembered the wisdom his dad had given him and realized what he was called to be, certainly not a lion in hiding in an animal graceyard, he was called to be the Lion king and he had been cheated by lies and with this in his heart, he thanked his rfriends and made his way back to his old home.

As he entered the pride lands, he was noticed almost immediately and all the lions came to welcome him home and were overjoyed to see him, they warned him that Scar Face would not be at all keen to see him and his life would he in danger. He said to the prise, I have come back to take my rightful place as leader of he pride and the rest of the lions knew what this meant, Simvba would ave to face Scaf Face and there would be a fight to the death for the role.

Well Scar Face certainly was not at all happy to see Simba back again and he started throwing accusations at him, you caused your dad’s death, you ran away when the pride needed ouk you are a loser, etc, this was hard hitting stuff, but Simba knew who he was called to be and he sttod up to Scar Face and say I am called to ve the lion king and that is what I am here to take back. Scar Face laughed at him and said you will never be king of this pride or any other your name is mud, the other lions won’t accept you and if they do ou will have to fight me for the position. Ameeting was called with the rest of the lions and the question was asked, Do you want Scar Face as leader or Simba. The answer was loud and clear, we want Simba, well this made Scar Face furious and he said well you will have to fight me for the position, tomorrow ontop of the pride rock will be the seceding time, a fight to the death.

Simba faced his od uncle and foe that day on top of pride fock and he had to big very deep and hang on to everything his father had taught him as a boy and believe totally that he was called to be King of the lions and the duel was fierce and long, many scars were left on thveach of the lions, Simba remembered what his dadhad taught him and what he was called to be, he found the extra strength he needed as he dug deep within his heart and finall as the sun was about to set over the pride lands, Simba struck the winning blow to Scar Face and he drop to the ground, Simba had triumphed and championed over Scar Face, he could now take his rightful place that he was called to be and not only that, peace harmony had been restored to the pride.

I believe this is an incredibly important story and there is so mch in it, I plan to share some reflections in the next few blogs that I do around this story and the title I have given as well. To be or not to be, that is what counts and we have the choice. Much of my reflections are as a direct result of the Journey that I have been on and lessons I have learned along the way and discoverys I have made,I am still learning and you possibly may have knowledge in many of the areas that I reflect on, so please don’t think that I am trying to say I know it all, far fromit, just a fellow traveler on lifes road hoping to help another in a small way. Chat again soon.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

To but or not to ;! That's what counts!

A few day's ago I attended a Christmas function for the Blind
Foundation along with a very good friend to help with signing for
me. Following the lovely meal we were chatting with others at
our table & an elderly gentleman said to me via my friend what a
positive person I was & that people like me make the world a
better place to live in! I am certainly not sharing this with you
to say, look at me, arn't I great, no way! It has taken a lot of
work & climbing mountains to get to this point in my Journey & I
am certainly not planning to go any where near self pity land.
To be or not to be is what counts the most! The supposedly small
things in life do count very much & I really didn't have a lot to
say at the function at all, but obviously enough for this man to
pick up what he did & give me the compliment. This spoke to me
heaps & I have thought about it a lot since then, what atmosphere
do we bring to ? around us! It is totally a choice of the heart
what attitude we rise with each day & bring to the world around
us. More often than not this starts with the head & can take a
little work before it travels to the heart & becomes a part of
your being. As you sow to your spirit, you will reap life & give
life to ? around you because of the spirit of Him that lives and
dwells within you!
It talks in scripture about renewing our minds & not being
conformed to the image of this world! It also says in scripture
that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love &
a sound mind!
I went through a period of many months where I would rise in the
morning & the challenge of the day seemed to big & my body was
aching & sore. Tears would well up as I said goodccbye to my
family for the day & headed out the door with a careccgiver to
face another full on day of rehabilitation work. I would say to
my family, keep believing & holding onto ? dreams, they are going
to happen, saying this very much with my head & not sure what the
future had in store for us. At times I so wanted to curl up in
my lazyccboy & wish it all away!! As I started to face up to what
I was sowing into my life, a lot of selfccpity at times &
whipping myself for allowing myself to get sick, I realised what
you sow in must come out! I should have known this, but my
circustances had changed so dramatically, it had thrown me a bit!
I choose to sow life into myself & a big part of that has been
memorising scripture verses & also positive affirmations. This
is not about the power of positive thinking, far, far greater
than that, it's about a total renewing of ones mind & when you do
reign in & harness your mind, the potential for what can be
achieved by God's grace is unlimited, you can either just make it
through life or totally excel! The choice is yr's & it starts
with the right attitude in your heart.
I plan to develop this theme further with more Blogs in the next
little while. I am learning as I travel along on this Journey &
trust my thoughts are a little bit helpful to some of you!

A couple of big day's for me, some more good gains!

Yesterday after I had done GYM in the morning I walked from
Laura Fergusson along the road that leads to our place with my
walking & Ju walking along side me! It was very cool I made it to
Waddington Drive a distance of about 500 plus mtrs with no stops
along the way, apart from stopping to say Hi to that cheeky
snail that keeps passing me along the way! I will sneak passed
him one day when he's looking the other way.
Today I did an hour of walking in the morning with the walker
around the grounds sniffing the flowers, not! This afternoon I
was in the GYM' & after half an hour of doing balance work, I
hoped on the treadmill & did 43 minutes with one stop to
replenish my body with water as it was such a hot afternoon! My
body is certainly getting heaps stronger & I am so thankful for
the strength God gives me every day! It was only a few moanths
ago that I had my first go on the treadmill & did a total of
about 5 minutes