Saturday, August 13, 2011

Aim high!

I want to share a Proverb with you that has come to mean a lot to me.

“To achieve great things, you not only need to act, but also dream. You not only need to plan, but also believe.”

Another one I like is’”Rhe most important things in life are, peole need something to do, something to love and something to hope in.’”


Quite a while ago, I was given a poem by a friend of ours and I would also like to share that with you, It’s called, “A littlr bird I am.”

“A little bird I am, shut from the fields of air and in my cage I sit and sing to Him who placed me there.

Well pleased I am a prisoned to be, for my Lord it pleases Thee.

My cage confines me found, freely I cannot fly. Though my cage confines me found, my soul is at liberty, for prison walls cannot contain the flight or freedom of the soul.

I have learned to love the darkness of sorrows, for it is there I see the brightness of God’s face.”


There is a very cool verse in Hebrews in the Bible and I often run it through my mind, I am a real believer in the saying, “You are what you eat”and I believe that to be true for what you sow in words into your life as well. The verse says this’

“Jesus God’s Son, our great high Preist who has vone back to heaven to help us, never stop trusting Him. This great high Preist of ours, understands our every weakness and has been tempted in all was as we are and yet never once gave way and sinned. Let us come boldly before the very throne of God and stay there, to receive His mercy and to find grace to help us in our times of need.”

Another very cool one from the book of Hebrews, is;

“This certain hope of being saved, is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls, connecting us to God Himself, behind the sacred curtains ot heaven.”

This last one that I will shafe with you, has meant so much to me and is a very integral part of the Journey that I am on. This verse is from the book of Romans in the Bible and says;

“And peitence develops strength of character and helps us to trust God more each time we use it, until finally our hope and faith are steady and strong.”


I have proved it over and over again, our God is so totally trustworthy and faithful, His thought towards us are good continually. More often than not, I fail Him and I find I need to draw upon His amazing mercy and grace and He lavishes it on us as we become more and more aware of our weaknesses and fraility.


Kind regards,


Phil Thorn

Don't forget to check out my blog


1 comment:

  1. Really inspirational, this was great reading and a lesson to all of us.
