On Wedneday the 26 th September it was four years ago that I entered the world I now live in along with my family. It seems a world away from where I t today, I lay in a Coma on life support in Dunedin Hospital[s Intensive Care Unit this time four years ago with my life very much in the balances. Every hour my lungs had to be drained due to huge amounts of liquid building up on them,. I stayed in that Coma for three weeks and my family were advised to make preparations to say Farewell to me,due to so many people praying for me, the amazing grace of my Heavenly Father and the amazing efforts of the medical staff at Dunedin Hospitals ICY, I am here today and having made some awesome gains.
Following the Coma due to being stuck down by Meningitis, I was laft paralyzed from the waist down, also had differculty with my left arm at the time and the series of Strokes that I had while in the Coma left my left side of my body a lot weaker than my right side. Along with this I was also left deaf and bling clinically and confined to a wheelchair, although that took time to eventuale as I was confinded to a bed for quite sometime to start wit. Communication was very challenging back thenusing a series of foam letters that people would hand me to make up words.To begin with I couldn’t even communicate myself as I had breathing tubes going directly into my throat as my mouth and throat were so badly swollen. If I needed to communicate with anyone at that point they would give me a pad and a pen and I wrote on it. From that they could see that I had good spelling and my brain although pretty rocked around by what it had been through was ok. I also had a jet engine in my head with Titinius that I lived with day and night until I iad the implant operation on the 26 September one year later in 2009 and then the Coclea attached and switched on in early November 2009 which helped reduce that noise. There is much that I could write about those early days, many people to thank for such amazing kindness.Our world as a family was rocked to the core and turned upside down andshacken for all it was worth. I was not a pretty sight in those earlier days,, lost all the life in my facial muscles, had a scary as voice. The kids used to say I sounded like a troll. Enough said, today I celebrate the love and devotion of my amazing as family for hanging in there with me, believing against all odds and never letting go of that small glimmer of hope. In the book of Hebrews in the Bible it says; “Snd hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor to our souls, connecting us to God Himself behind the sacred curtains of heaven,”We have found that verse to be total truth and our God has slowly but surely helped restore the broken and shattered pieces of our lives. It has taken a lot of hard out work I might add as He has extended His grace more and more. I said to God right back in the early days not knowing at all what I or the family were in for, that I would give it my very best shot, work as hard as I could and if it took me out as a result, so be it. But God has a plan and a purpose in everything and as muvh as I have struggled majorily at times, physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually, I can look back and see the amazing hand of an amazing God on my life and my families. You will have read many of the updates that I have done at times and have an idea of the gains that I have made in the past four years and will continue to make by Gods amazing grace.
I have known what it is to have no strength at all, physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually at times, but when I am weak He makes me strong and His giory can be displayed the most.Faith in my Heavenly Father is a massive part of my journey and I would not be here today without Him that’s for sure. As a celebration of four years up, Julia and I shared a special lunch together, later in the day I walked at my set of parallel bars setup in our garage 125 time forwards and backwards which is the most I have done at anyone time at the bars, later in the evening I did an hour and a half on my You bike which I have just clocked up 330 km’s on in just under two weeks of having it dropped off. Before I sign off, I always had a favourite song from the day I bowed my knee and accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal Lord and Saviour, I never relised how massive an impact the words of that song would play out in my life, here they are;
“Jesusj, lover of my soul, Jesus I will never let you go, You’ve taken me from the mirey clay, set my feet upon a rock and now I know, I love you, I need you, Though my world may fall I’ll never let you go, My Saviour , my dearest friend, I will worship you until the very end.
Kind regards,
Phil Thorn
Don't forget to check out my blog phillywonka.blogspot.com
'To achieve great things you not only need to act but also dream,
you not only need to plan but also believe'