Saturday, September 22, 2012

Update as of September 2012

Been a little while since I sent an update, apologies for that as life seems to get busier and busier.

I am continuing to make good as gains with my body as I press on with my rehab programme and continue to believe good things are instore for the future for the family and me. We are now well and truly settled into our lovely new home after moving in at the beginning of June. You will see some updated photos of the house since moving in on my Blog. The freedom that comes with this amazing home, is truly awesome, I am free to move about as I wish in and around the house and the family are free to come and go as they need to as well with the aid of a call button that I wear on a chain should I need help or in an emergency it connects with the duty manager at Laura Fergusson Community. I now also have a cane to assist me with navigating my way around the home and I have also learnt the route from home to the GYM at Laura Fergusson which I attend most days and I navigate my way there on my own using my cane. It is around 100 metres across to the GYM from our place, up quite a rise and along the board walk following the garden. I have also learnt how to navigate my way across to the new Abilities Hub Complex using my cane and in the process of learning more routes as well, so one day I can escape.

In the GYM I now am walking at point eight of a kmph on the treadmill on the rise and fall mode and did forty minutes straight  the other day. It was just over a year ago that I started using the treadmill and managed five minutes on flat mode at point four of a kmph and had to stop at least three of four times in that five minutes for a rest, so some big ground has been made. I do an extensive amount of work around balance these days at the parallel bars on the wobbly board, steps, Swiss ball, mat work, etc. I also put in hours and hours every week at home as well, getting up most mornings around six am or earlier to do a workout prior to breakie, becaue I heard that the early bird catches the worms and I am keen as to catch any worms I can. I now have my own You bike in my studio”I will go into detail in my next blog abou the You bike”and I have been doing two or more hours a day on it, this past week I have pedaled just over 200 km’s on it using my arms and legs. It is my p;an to start venturing out again very soon using my walker as people are avvvailable to walk with me.

Re my technology, I am currently working with my tutor from the Blind Foundation on learning how to use the internet so I can become a competent surfer, I now read news from the NZ Herald site, I have learnt how to access the NZ radio guide so I can check out radio stations to have playing on my laptop so as to help my hearing skills with the Cochlea implant, I can Google stuff, so watch out, I might Google your name. I am about to learn how to use internet banking and also how to use Facebook and setting up my own page, so if you are keen, I can chat via Facebool real soon. I am desperately in need of having my equipment upgraded which the Blind Foundation are endeavouring to do for me at present, a new laptop of my own with a Braille input output Bluetooth display with a Jaws screen reader programme, also my Braillenote has pretty much croacked it and last week I was trialing the latest Braillenote Apex with an I phone. The Apex are neat little units, a lot more simline than my older model and half the weight, builtin wireless, with a list as long as your arm of features. All going well, I wil have one of these with an I phone prior to Christmas and I am so excited about that as I will have the ability to text whoever, not like my current unit and a portable unit that I can email from, access the net from and prepare documents from along with having a”Face to face conversation”with anyone via a small keyboard they type to me on and I read of the Braille display. If you are keen to kearn a little more about these Brailebote units, etc, you can visit Humanwares website; “


Kind regards,


Phil Thorn

Don't forget to check out my blog


'To achieve great things you not only need to act but also dream,

you not only need to plan but also believe'


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