Saturday, July 8, 2017

The adventure, the challenge, the dream - Part 3

"When one door of happiness closes another door of happiness opens but  we so often are so busy looking at the door which has closed we can miss the door that has opened." -Helen Keller 
With my days being consumed with what had been taken and what I had left, there was a record playing on the gramophone of my mind but the record has been badly scratched and it kept repeating: I want my life back again, if only.

It consumed my energy  and I retraced my foot prints in the build-up to the day the lights went out over and over. Look at yourself Phil, you’re a freak now. There used to be adventures, there used to be fulfilling challenges and there used to be dreams.

Now the challenge is to make it through a day without spiraling out of control and losing the plot big time. The pain of the emotional and mental toll, let alone the physical, and  'where was God in it all' were almost overwhelming at times, I grabbed at anything to shut the record player down but it was only a form of escapism  and reality returned within no time at all.
The choice was mine, to accept what life had dished out to me and believe I had a bright and prosperous future ahead with the Master as my guide or to remain in a land of turmoil, sadness, lost hope and merely living out an existence. 
I was allowing myself to be robbed by what I was feeding my mind on. I could change who I was by changing what I feed my mind on. There is a verse in scripture which says, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. Those are very true and powerful words if we discover the truth of them. 
I needed to act, words have the power of life or death and 'those that find it will eat it’s fruit' scripture says, so I had been allowing negative words to be filling my days. I must change that record and create good habits whereby I sowed good words daily into my soul, I choose some inspirational daily meditations plus portions of scripture. So I activated my faith and in doing so the levels of hope slowly started to rise. I had to add another ingredient as time went on and that was believe what I was sowing into my soul. 
Beginning the process of transforming one’s mind is not easy I tell you but man it is dynamic when the process is in full swing. It is said it takes 30 days to create a habit, habits have transforming powers and  I discovered where true life and happiness stems from, refueling on a daily basis. 
As I stepped through the new door opened to me of happiness with my life in ashes behind me, I read these words on the inside of the door, “The blind He leads by ways they have not known and along unfamiliar paths He will guide them, the dark places He will make plain and the rough places He will make smooth, these things He will do, He will not forsake them." Isaiah 
The adventure of a new chapter in my life is now being written, the challenge is embraced as I have the Master as my guide and the dreams they have son barriers because if you can dream it you can achieve it.

Kind regards,
Phil Thorn

Please take a look at my givealittle page and please help me on my quest for essential braille communication technology:
"To achieve great things, you not only need to act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe"  
"One should never creep, when one is compelled to soar"

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