The adventure, the challenge, the dream. Part 2
Having lingered for a considerable amount of time sitting amongst the ashes of my life, embracing a new life of opportunities and happiness through a door marked 'hope' was a challenge. The door of hope to my brighter tomorrow would require a transformation of my mind set, take me out of my comfort zone as much as I was in pain and turmoil. I desired a miraculous change of my fortunes not a journey that would require amazing grace and a guiding hand along unfamiliar pathways.
The cry of my heart for some time was: "I want! . . my life back!" How could I be offered life and life in abundance sitting surrounded by the ashes of my life through a door marked hope, look at who I am now!
Well the day came, I got sick and tired of living in the ashes as ashes are messy things to live in leaving constant reminders on every part of one’s day. But how to get from the ashes through the door of hope to see dreams awakened and fresh challenges of discovery and adventure could be embraced.
The transformation of my ashes mind set started as I discovered the keys that would unclasp and set me free.
One of the keys is, life and death are in the tongue and those that find it will eat it’s fruit. Words encourage and cause us to rise but they can also pull us down and cripple us.
The key with words is found in creating good habits sowing life giving words to your soul.
Ever noticed how a tragic news article leaves you and lingers in your mind for some time versus an inspirational story, one leaves you feeling sad and drained whereas the other leaves you feeling happy and uplifted.
Placed in my hand was a key, The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want, He makes me to lie down in green pasture, He leads me beside the still waters, He restores my soul.
How can this be, my life is in ashes! He is the giver of life and the Shepherd knows where the best water and pasture is for restoring our soul if we will trust and follow Him. The conclusion of that chapter in Psalms says, Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.
I discovered the key to the Shepherd restoring my soul as I made the choice to believe His Word and meditate on it daily and when the old scratched record of bad news starts pounding its rhythm on the record player of the mind, flick the switch and make the choice to listen and believe the good news record of the Composer and Conductor of the Universe.
Kind regards,
Phil Thorn
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Also check out the ‘Ultimate Challenge’ which is in May 2017, we need your help to make it happen!!
"To achieve great things, you not only need to act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe"
"One should never creep, when one is compelled to soar"
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