Hi everyone out there,,
Just an update on life as I know it now.
My day usually starts around 7v.00 am of earlier depending on keen I am to get up earlier and do some exercises. I usually leave the house at around 8.00 with a caregiver from Laura Fergusson and come a cross to the community where I have my breakie, which I now look after myself and cleanup as well, I make my own coffee of hot choice depending on my taste for the day. Following this I usually have free time for an hour of so and I often do emails of read a devotional for the morning and then I am of to the GYM for an hour or so. In the GYM I do a range of exercises, work at the wall bars, at the parallel vbars, on the treadmill, walking with the walker, weights, etc and then I have a shower and lunch. In the afternoon I do arrange of activvitiws, computer tuition, ADL programme which is Adaptive Daily Living with an instructor from the Blind Foundation, swimming at a local pool with a swimming instructoe and then a soak in the spa,catch up with residents from Laura Fergusson from time to time, cruise and enjoy a great coffee, Mum comes and hangs out with me for an afternoon and yesterfay we planted our gardens at home with veges and other stuff ready for summer, can’t beat the good home grown produce and we have enjoyed some good crops from the garden in the past. I usually stay at Laura Fergusson for my dinner and then my family come for me at around 7.00pm and we are off home, the evenings are spent doing computer stuff, hwlping the kids with homework vvia my Braillenote unit which has a keyboard I can attach and a conversation can behad with me and I read of the Braille display, also helps the kids with their keyboarding skills as well, help with a few household chores, stretches and exercises at times and then off to noddy land.
I believe that life is for living and I am endeavouring to enjoy every day as much as I can and believing for great things to happen as we journey into the future, in saying that, I also believe that if you don’t set goals and activvvely work towards them and also reassess where you are at with them, you wil end up a few months years down the track in the same place that you were anddoing the same old same old, I refer back to my motivational statement I posted earlier in my Blog, To achieve great things, you not only have to act but also dream, you not only have to plan but also vbelieve.
To all of you out there that have so amazingly supported us up till now thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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