Friday, April 13, 2012

Our amazing bodies part 3

I may have mentioned this in an earlier entry, just before
exiting Hutt Hospital back in mid 2009, I could not support
myself sitting up on the side of my bed, even holding the arms of
a chair while sitting was a challenge, along with this I suffered
huge amounts of pain & discomfort re my bottom due to a pressure
sore received during my stay in Dunedin Hospital. This had to be
dressed often by a District nurse after exiting hospital & at
time saw me bed ridden for a few days at a time so as to allow it
to heal a little more! At times it has been like sitting on a
jagged rock & every bump one went over increased the pain &
discomfort up another notch. Added to this was my lower back
with muscles not supporting me like they should & causing me to
wobble around in my chair & also due to my main trunk muscles not
supporting me due to weakness & that they had wasted away, this
caused a lot of downward pressure right onto my pressure sore.
This gives you a small glimpes in what life was like for me & I
used to plead with careccgivers at times to let me lie down so as
I could ease the pain in both my bottom & lower back. Not only
that, I was struggl really badly emotionally & would flop onto
the bed & try & wish it all away.
One has to learn to come to terms with where one is at before
endeavouring to move forward other wise you are building on sandy
ground & when you start to move forward, your emotions & feelings
& mind will cripple you if you don't deal with stuff & some of it
can be a little messy when it comes to dealing with what life has
dished you up, but God has placed within us amazing mechanisms
for dealing with trauma, pain, loss & a host of other things &
not only that, He has also placed release mechanisms within us as
As I slowly came to terms with where I was at, I had to start to
work through the grief cycle, like I said, it can be a bit messy
at times & it is a load of rubbish the saying that; "men don't
cry" My tear ducts have run out of tears at times & I have found
I can't even find the ws at times to express the pain, hurt,
loss, lonelyness, grief that I am working through! Unless you
have been through a similar event in your life, there is no way
to describe it & for people to grasp even a small amount of what
you are going through. As one works through the cycle of grief &
allows a door to open to a dark room full of painful feelings &
allows ones mind & spirit to work through each one, it is a very
challenging experience I must say!! God gave me the strength to
pickccup each of ? boxs of feelings from that room & carefully
unwrap them & with the help of people He put across my path I
worked through them & emptied a mumber of boxes. There were some
boxs that I did not fully complete & returned them to the shelve
again & as time has gone on, I have had to return to deal with &
finish cleaning out the rest of ? boxes. I have felt incredibly
weak at times as I have worked through stuff, emotionally &
mentally, but I have felt the strength ofmy Heaven Father & His
amazing Holy Spirit guiding & comforting & encouraging me through
the must unlikely of people & through His precious w the Bible.
Our amazing bodies have been designed so incredibly to be able to
cope & deal with massive trauma, loss, pain & grief & through it
all if we allow Gods spirit to guide us through this mineccfield
of shattered hopes & dreams, we can be totally healed
emotionally, mentally & through this physical healing can take
place as well, rather than ending up a bitter, angry, lonely
person that denies themselves a future & a purpose & reason for
being alive on planet earth.
With Gods help & His amazing Holy Spirit, open the doors & the
boxes within & as challenging & scary as it may seem, you will
discover so much more about yourself you never knew exististed &
the release & freedom & healing that will flow into your life as
a result, will amaze not only you, but ? around you. Your
Heavenly Father is waiting paitently at the door waiting for you
to open it & He with His amazing loving compassions, faithfulness
& tender mercies will do the very best job of helping you deal &
work through your boxes of isues & will never leave you nor
forsake you & is the best councillor this world has ever seen.
He doesn't just help you to open the box with whatever is in
there for you, but stands beside you & guides & comforts you as
you work through it & berings complete healing to all the
contents within it. You will one day stand back & look into that
box & all you will see is the smiling face of your amazing
Heavenly Father & His Son the Lord Jesus. Discover today what it
really means to be free & discover the amazing future you will
have, not only in the place He is preparing for ? who love Him
but right here & now as well.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Our amazing bodies part 2.

Further to my last entry, as we learn to have paitance & continue
to hope & believe, God allows healing to take place in all areas
of our body. More often than not, He works u our attitude & our
outcclook on life & as that comes into a place where we no longer
reside in selfccpity land, bitter land or angry land, this has a
flow on affect to the rest of our body! I believe that healing
has to start within our hearts & minds & that is done by opening
God's w the Bible & as it says in the book of Psalms, "Thy w is a
lamp to my feet & a light to my path" In doing this, it causes
our minds to be renewed & transformed & then daily strength that
is given from our Heavenly Father is channeled to the needed
areas of healing required in ones body & not taken up with going
to the previously mentioned lands. It is amazing how a spirit of
gratitude & healing can bring so much healing to ones physical
body. It says in the book of Proverbs in the Bible; "A merry
heart doeth well like medicine, a broken spirit saps energy"
Again I have found this to be true & often we have to start by
focusing our attitude on a daily basis within our minds to the
world around us & within ourelves as well. As we endeavour to do
this & this can be very challenging at times when you are
struggling with so much going on both physically & emotionally,
it will in time with Gods amazing spirit working within us,
travel to our hearts & become with very part of our being. When
healing starts to come to both our heart & mind through Gods
great grace, it is amazing what one can accccomplish.
Our amazing bodies came with an instruction book for daily living
& daily care of the body. More often than not we choose to make
our own decisions in life as to what our bodies should do & also
turn to mans knowledge of how to take care of it & also the
direction we should head in life with it. Man is pretty clever &
has discovered huge amounts about the human body, but God our
Heavenly Father is the maker & designer of the human body & why
wouldn't you consult with the manurfacturer & His instruction
guide before ? who have only studied & experimented with the
human body.
Technology & medicine have soared in the 20 this century & huge
advances made, but the human body & the way in which God has
designed & built it, still surpases anything that man has & will
create. The human body still baffles the medical fraternity with
the amazing way in which it can self repair & amazing miraculous
healings do take place that often stagger even the finest of
doctors. What an amazing Creator God we have & we are His
workmanship. Today is a good day to stop & say thank you to Him
for every breath that you breath & every pump of that amazing
heart within you. There is no pumping system in the world like
your heart that never stops & pumps 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
& 365 days a year & for as many years as each of us is given.
Take time to say thanks to the Creator & take time to read His
instruction book for your body & life, The Bible.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Our amazing bodies!!

God has designed our bodies so amazingly, the healing mechanisms
He has placed within them are incredible & far out stripe
anything that man can achieve. Man is very clever in what he has
achieved with the wisdom & knowledge that God has placed within
Him. But still the human body is far, far superior than any
invention or creation that man has ever achieved & will ever
They used to call me the hollow man as my muscles in must of my
body had wasted away due to the length of time that I was pretty
much bed ridden apart from times of physio during the day. I
could not even sit up on the side of my hosipital bed & smpport
myself holding the arms of a chair, I was that weak. I used to
say that my legs felt like bits of steel & my feet were like
rocks & quite literally. People used to try & help free up my
feet by massage & twisting them around, backwards & forwards, etc
for an hour or so at a time with not a lot of success at the
time. They used to ache really badly & I had limited feeling
from the knees down, any cuts orabrasions to the skin took ages
to heal. Slowly over a perion of just over two years as I have
worked pretty much every day in the GYM' doing a huge range of
exercises, they have freed up. My physio used to say, "It takes
every grain of sand to make a beach & I have had to work to get
every muscle back again & as I have, I have felt things slowly
but surely improving. Finally the rocksccmy feet changed & then
I suffered with really bad pins & needles in them, that last for
around 6 months or more & then it changed to a feeling of water
under my skin in my feet & now laterly they are starting to feel
a little more normal, but like I have my feet in sand & I have
sand between my toes. I used to have fat toes & my feet were
quite swollen for many months making life very difficult to put
shoes on & to buy the right shoes as well. When my legs were
rubbed below the knees they felt horrible & weird, just recently,
they are starting to feel nice to rub & I no long have swollen
legs from the knees down. The spasms I used to have in my legs
were incredible & shaking at times as well
I used to have a standing frame that I climbed into & it had a
hydraulic pump that I would lever myself up with & a tray that I
could place my Braillenote on & work on while standing. My body
would ache & ache as I stood & I could only manage half an hour
to an hour at a time in it & more often than not, it would jigger
up my back & once returning to my chair again, I would be left in
huge amounts of discomfort. I took to standing in the shower at
the house we are renting used the bar in the shower & I would
stand for as long as my body would allow & as I got a little
stronger I started to do a little work with weigh transger from
one side to the other on my legs still holding the bars the whole
time. My lower back used to cause me so much grief & pain due to
the length of time that I sit & also bad posture in my chair & I
almost had to fight with my muscles while standing at times as
the pain & discomfort got pretty bad. Over a perion of a year or
so of doing this along with the GYM' work I was doing & extra
hours I had been putting in at home early in the morning & at
night, My body has strengthened xsf & I started doing sits to
stand from my chair using the bars, leg crouchs & holding for 5
seconds & taking one hand of the bar & holding it flat against
the wall or by my side, balance work. I was also doing work in
the GYM' with slings attached to my feet while laying on a
platform & my legs were raised to take away the gravity factor &
I would lay there trying to lift my legs up for as many times as
I could, very limited in the beginning & as time went on, I
advanced to having a spring attached & I would push against the
spring to increase the workload on my legs. Along with this, I
was doing sideways walking & backwards walking at the parallel
bars & also standing on a wobbly board at the bars to help with
balance in my body. Steps were placed down in pront of me at the
parallel bars & I would attempt to try & lift my feet up onto
them. In the early days, I could not do this & my physio would
have to help lift my feet up onto the step & back down again &
often fighting against muscles that were tight as well due to the
amount of work I had been putting in.
As our bodies are designed to work in corrdination, like a cross
circuit, right arm with left leg & left arm with right leg for
balance etc, I took to the flool with my knee pads on & would
crawl for as long as I could from my bedroom to the front door &
back again. To begin with it was so hard as my trunk muscles
were pretty much non existant & it would put huge strain on my
back & spine. Right back in the early days of crawling in early
2010, I crawled in bareccfeet & with no knee pads not realising
that it would cause so much damage to my toes & knees as my
muscles & body were not supporting me as they should & I left a
trail of blood through the house & munted my feet & knees which
took aget to heal & restricted me from working on the froor for
quite a few months. I didn't realise I was hurting my self as I
had limited feeling in both feet & legs as the pain level was
right up there in regard to them as well. The frustration levels
would rise to almost boiling point at times because of the
restrictions within my body. I had to learn how to channel ?
feelings that would rise & eat into my energy leves & leave me
feeling tired & drained. I had to learn that tomorrow is another
day & to face each day as it comes & to climb the mountain of
rehabilitation with every slill that I had learned & was learning
& dig deep within myself & find the good stuff, the good stuff
called potential.