Further to my last entry, as we learn to have paitance & continue
to hope & believe, God allows healing to take place in all areas
of our body. More often than not, He works u our attitude & our
outcclook on life & as that comes into a place where we no longer
reside in selfccpity land, bitter land or angry land, this has a
flow on affect to the rest of our body! I believe that healing
has to start within our hearts & minds & that is done by opening
God's w the Bible & as it says in the book of Psalms, "Thy w is a
lamp to my feet & a light to my path" In doing this, it causes
our minds to be renewed & transformed & then daily strength that
is given from our Heavenly Father is channeled to the needed
areas of healing required in ones body & not taken up with going
to the previously mentioned lands. It is amazing how a spirit of
gratitude & healing can bring so much healing to ones physical
body. It says in the book of Proverbs in the Bible; "A merry
heart doeth well like medicine, a broken spirit saps energy"
Again I have found this to be true & often we have to start by
focusing our attitude on a daily basis within our minds to the
world around us & within ourelves as well. As we endeavour to do
this & this can be very challenging at times when you are
struggling with so much going on both physically & emotionally,
it will in time with Gods amazing spirit working within us,
travel to our hearts & become with very part of our being. When
healing starts to come to both our heart & mind through Gods
great grace, it is amazing what one can accccomplish.
Our amazing bodies came with an instruction book for daily living
& daily care of the body. More often than not we choose to make
our own decisions in life as to what our bodies should do & also
turn to mans knowledge of how to take care of it & also the
direction we should head in life with it. Man is pretty clever &
has discovered huge amounts about the human body, but God our
Heavenly Father is the maker & designer of the human body & why
wouldn't you consult with the manurfacturer & His instruction
guide before ? who have only studied & experimented with the
human body.
Technology & medicine have soared in the 20 this century & huge
advances made, but the human body & the way in which God has
designed & built it, still surpases anything that man has & will
create. The human body still baffles the medical fraternity with
the amazing way in which it can self repair & amazing miraculous
healings do take place that often stagger even the finest of
doctors. What an amazing Creator God we have & we are His
workmanship. Today is a good day to stop & say thank you to Him
for every breath that you breath & every pump of that amazing
heart within you. There is no pumping system in the world like
your heart that never stops & pumps 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
& 365 days a year & for as many years as each of us is given.
Take time to say thanks to the Creator & take time to read His
instruction book for your body & life, The Bible.
Thank you for sharing your insights Phil.