I may have mentioned this in an earlier entry, just before
exiting Hutt Hospital back in mid 2009, I could not support
myself sitting up on the side of my bed, even holding the arms of
a chair while sitting was a challenge, along with this I suffered
huge amounts of pain & discomfort re my bottom due to a pressure
sore received during my stay in Dunedin Hospital. This had to be
dressed often by a District nurse after exiting hospital & at
time saw me bed ridden for a few days at a time so as to allow it
to heal a little more! At times it has been like sitting on a
jagged rock & every bump one went over increased the pain &
discomfort up another notch. Added to this was my lower back
with muscles not supporting me like they should & causing me to
wobble around in my chair & also due to my main trunk muscles not
supporting me due to weakness & that they had wasted away, this
caused a lot of downward pressure right onto my pressure sore.
This gives you a small glimpes in what life was like for me & I
used to plead with careccgivers at times to let me lie down so as
I could ease the pain in both my bottom & lower back. Not only
that, I was struggl really badly emotionally & would flop onto
the bed & try & wish it all away.
One has to learn to come to terms with where one is at before
endeavouring to move forward other wise you are building on sandy
ground & when you start to move forward, your emotions & feelings
& mind will cripple you if you don't deal with stuff & some of it
can be a little messy when it comes to dealing with what life has
dished you up, but God has placed within us amazing mechanisms
for dealing with trauma, pain, loss & a host of other things &
not only that, He has also placed release mechanisms within us as
As I slowly came to terms with where I was at, I had to start to
work through the grief cycle, like I said, it can be a bit messy
at times & it is a load of rubbish the saying that; "men don't
cry" My tear ducts have run out of tears at times & I have found
I can't even find the ws at times to express the pain, hurt,
loss, lonelyness, grief that I am working through! Unless you
have been through a similar event in your life, there is no way
to describe it & for people to grasp even a small amount of what
you are going through. As one works through the cycle of grief &
allows a door to open to a dark room full of painful feelings &
allows ones mind & spirit to work through each one, it is a very
challenging experience I must say!! God gave me the strength to
pickccup each of ? boxs of feelings from that room & carefully
unwrap them & with the help of people He put across my path I
worked through them & emptied a mumber of boxes. There were some
boxs that I did not fully complete & returned them to the shelve
again & as time has gone on, I have had to return to deal with &
finish cleaning out the rest of ? boxes. I have felt incredibly
weak at times as I have worked through stuff, emotionally &
mentally, but I have felt the strength ofmy Heaven Father & His
amazing Holy Spirit guiding & comforting & encouraging me through
the must unlikely of people & through His precious w the Bible.
Our amazing bodies have been designed so incredibly to be able to
cope & deal with massive trauma, loss, pain & grief & through it
all if we allow Gods spirit to guide us through this mineccfield
of shattered hopes & dreams, we can be totally healed
emotionally, mentally & through this physical healing can take
place as well, rather than ending up a bitter, angry, lonely
person that denies themselves a future & a purpose & reason for
being alive on planet earth.
With Gods help & His amazing Holy Spirit, open the doors & the
boxes within & as challenging & scary as it may seem, you will
discover so much more about yourself you never knew exististed &
the release & freedom & healing that will flow into your life as
a result, will amaze not only you, but ? around you. Your
Heavenly Father is waiting paitently at the door waiting for you
to open it & He with His amazing loving compassions, faithfulness
& tender mercies will do the very best job of helping you deal &
work through your boxes of isues & will never leave you nor
forsake you & is the best councillor this world has ever seen.
He doesn't just help you to open the box with whatever is in
there for you, but stands beside you & guides & comforts you as
you work through it & berings complete healing to all the
contents within it. You will one day stand back & look into that
box & all you will see is the smiling face of your amazing
Heavenly Father & His Son the Lord Jesus. Discover today what it
really means to be free & discover the amazing future you will
have, not only in the place He is preparing for ? who love Him
but right here & now as well.
Hi Phil. What an amazing insight you have into God's grace and patience with us, His children. Thank you for your encouragement, courage and demonstration of His Lordship, it never ceases to inspire. In Him, Sally Mangai (Queenstown Bible Chapel)