Coming up at the end of this month 26 this September 2011 will be
3 years since I feel sick and I want to thank firstly my amazing
God for sparing my life and allowing the amazing healing that has
taken place so far and seconly thanky to all of you out there
that have helped ligghten the load of the Journey in some way, a
kind deed, an encouraging thought, a shoulder to lean on, just
being you, a prayer or many, loving unccditionally, believing the
impossible and helping speak it into my life, sharing a great
coffee with me, extending a hand into my dark and often noisy
world, helping to feed the fires of determination, being hands
and feet of Jesus Christ to me and my family!
There are so many of you out there that have made such a huge
difference to my life and that of our family, thank you for
caring and taking the time to stop and make a difference, it
truly means a lot!J recently I received a txt out of the blue
from a lady who was my speech therapist when I was in the ISIS'
Rehab centre in Dunedin and it came at a time when I so needed a
little encouagement and a cheer up and man what a difference that
little txt did for me! Never under estimate what a kind thought
or deed can do for another person, often the seemingly small
things in life, can have the beiggest impact on another and I can
look back over this Journey and I can see time and time again you
seemly small things that people have done but have been life
impacting for me and I know that has a spin off affect to ?
around me! There is a very cool movie called; his Pay it forward"
and we will never know the total impact of loving and kind deeds!
So if a thought flashes through your mind or someone is on your
heart, don't be to busy to stop and care even if it seems a small
thing in your eyes to do and you say to yourself, Does it really
matter if I do or don't, take it from me, it does matter and in
doing so, you have brightened the world a little more! Some day
you may hope that people are not too busy to stop and care.
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