There are so many of you out there that have blessed us as a
family in so many ways and I want to acknownage you and say thank
you, ? works never seem anywhere en, but I am truely humbled by
the amazing outpouring of love and kindness extended towards us!
I know that our amazing God has touched your heart through our
story and you inturn have and continue to bless us hugely! Our
amazing God continues to lavish His amazing grace u my life every
day as I endeavour to stay close by His side.
I endeavour to work as hard as I can to show how very much I
appreciate all the support we receive and as my body responds and
grows stronger and my God allows more of His mercy and grace to
be poured in, I push a little harder and my faith in Him deepens
and I know that I know, I am a trophy of His grace!
I was reading a story recently about a homeless boy who was
rescued of the streets my a very caring family and they took him
home and adopted him as their son. He was given a bedroom of his
very own and it was a huge room and along one wall was a bed with
lovely snowy white sheets and lovely warm blankets and alongside
the bed was a bedside cabinet with a lamp and he stood there and
stared for quite a while at this beautiful room and then he said
to himself, this must be a mistake, this must be for someone else
and so he climbed under the bed and curled up and sleeped the
night on the bloor! compassion, faithfulness and we say this
can't be for me, what have I done to diserve this and we have
done nothing to deserve His tender compassions at all, that's
what's so amazing about grace from our Heavenly father! and in so
thinking we allow satan to tell us we are not worthy and none of
it is for us and so we climb under the bed and stay there and you
know what! God stoops down in His greatness and says to us, My
dear child, this is all for you, I gave all of heavens very best
for you, please receive it and then He gently tucks us in between
? lovely snowy white sheets and pulls the lovely warm blankets up
around our neck and says My peace I leave with you, not as the
world gives give I unto you, don't let your heart be worried or
afraid, my peace I leave with you! He also says, My child, I will
never leave you or forsake you and I must say at times I have
felt very much like that homeless boy with all of Gods love and
grace and He tucks me afresh in between ? snowy white sheets and
says, Phil, My son, this is for you, please except it!! I pray
today you will except His amazing love and grace into your
life!The next morning, the good lady of the house came in to see
him and found him still fast asleep under the bed and she said to
the boy with surprise in her voice, My dear boy, what are you
doing down on the bloor under the bed and she gently bent down
and helped him up and pulled back the covers of the bed and
tucked him in between ? snowy white sheets and pulled ? warm
blankets up around his neck and said to him, this is all for you!
What a picture of our amazing God, often we feel so unworthy of
His abundant love, grace, mercy,
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